From Magitech wiki
Description[edit | edit source]
Blast everything near you backwards.
Effect[edit | edit source]
All enemies within the radius defined by [4 * (Casting Mode + 1)] are thrown backwards. Force increases significantly as the Casting Mode is raised.
The spell also destroys certain types of blocks within the radius. The blocks destroyed are:
Leaves, Snow, Torches, Redstone Torches, Cactus, Dead Bushes, Crops, Glass, Mushrooms, Flowers, Sugarcane, Vines, Tall Grass, Saplings, Glass Panes, Water Lilies, Spider Webs.
Blocks destroyed in this manner have a chance to drop their specified item, much like an explosion.
Mana Cost[edit | edit source]
Diminished: 32.5
Normal: 130
Augmented: 650
Reagent[edit | edit source]
1 x Air Essence when cast augmented
Castable by NPCs[edit | edit source]
Castable by Caster Block[edit | edit source]